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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welfare vs. Supplemental

Entitlements are part of our constitution and a certain percentage of our budget is allocated towards entitlements; welfare, section 8 housing, etc. Here's a new concept - lets not get the poor people co dependent on Welfare and provide an incentive to them so they can move off it.

Often times I have heard "I make more money on welfare than I do working at McDonald's" or any other low wage job. So here is the solution; only give them welfare for six months and then stop it, however, since we don't want to build an even bigger homeless community, supplement them if they have a low paying job. How? The same way as welfare works; food stamps, section 8 housing, health care, etc. however, now they will want to move up or progress because they would be working as hard and still be making the same amount of money, so maybe, just maybe they will better themselves for a better paying job, working as hard, but being rewarded for their work; being self confidence and self esteem. If they did that, then they can get off social welfare or supplements (entitlements) and be more productive in society.

Maybe I'm wrong, however, I see people living in the government housing with big screen TVs, driving nice cars, and some luxeries that I would not be able to have because I am responsible and i'm paying my bills without a government hand out.

Please don't misunderstand; I believe that we need to help some people and that children are not at fault for the bad decisions of their parents, however, what I am saying is lets provide them a hand up not a push down; our entitlement programs now are making people co dependent like a junkie on crack.

1 comment:

  1. Ed,

    While I am not currently living in the US, THANK YOU! I absolutely agree. While living in a nation (the State of Kuwait) that enables and coddles their society to the nth degree, I've witnessed first-hand how providing a wage, food, and more can actually damage the soul of a person. What I mean by this is that people, when disempowered- such as those folks back in our country of the good ol' US of A who are on welfare, etc.,-lack initiative and a sense of purpose. The drive for striving for something deeper and more meaninful is just not there. I believe that welfare is a quick solution to a hopefully temporary problem but becoming a lifestyle is not what it was meant for.

    Thanks again,

