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Monday, January 4, 2010

Over flowing Prisons

Currently in the State of California, we are having problems with our prison system and it being over crowded and under funded. The state can not find money to fund them and the increasing prison population; however, we are housing, clothing, and feeding the prisoners with no return on our investment. What the system is doing is educating them to become even more harden criminals and/or to educate them on how to be smarter criminals.

We, the State of California, are very concerned with the meals being served to our prison population that must be well balanced for these criminals, however, our students in our elementary, middle and high schools are being flooded with soft drinks and junk food that are heavy in sugars and creating an obesity problems with our youth. Our priorities are wrong.

Solutions: With the over crowding of our prison system, simply provide a reduced sentence to the criminals for serving in our armed services in Iraq or Afghanistan or in any other location that they are needed. This will reduce our prison population, reform the prisoners and increase our military, as it is badly needed in fighting the war on terror. This might also have the first time criminals think again about crimes before committing them, maybe, but not sure.

This would save the State government and federal government a lot of money that can be utilized for education as well other programs. Such as: business development, environmental research and development, heath care, etc..

Summary: Prisoners to war for reduction in sentences, while saving states and federal government lots of money and providing a better education for our youth.


  1. This blog is in no way advocating war.

  2. Do you know we spend more to house our prisoners than we do on education??

  3. Absolutely, that is why we need to move our financial resources from the prison system to our educations system. I will write another blog in the coming days on education and how it should be free. Thanks for your comments.

  4. The California prison system is big business, funded by us for the profit of few, including our own politicians. Who voted for Schwartzenegger? The greedy people of California, remember the no new taxes? How do you think a state can run if no one pays taxes except the middle class? We need real reform in the State House. We do not need to send prisoners to Afganistan. Remember California is a three strikes and you are out state, so our prisons are overcrowded for financial reasons, lets reform Sacramento.

  5. Something to think about. Our soldiers are men and women chosen to defend our country. these find soldiers have gone through an honorable process in order to defend our country and the values that we stand for. Do we really need or want felony offender (criminals) defending our value system? These criminals weren't able to to obey the laws of society. What makes us think they will defend our value system in the military? They will become further hardened criminals and abuse of the power to further advance their criminal enterprises. I wouldn't want to see our efforts of war or advancements questioned by the world as it has in the past because of the abuses soldiers have committed. Our military prisions don't need to be overcrowded by U.S. felons.

  6. "...follow the money" someone once suggested in order to discover the culprits responsible for an illicit conspiracy. Well, I would say this: if the problem was affecting everyone equally we would probably have found its solution by now. The real issue seems that "someone" is benefiting largely from the current status-quo and have all the reasons to create distractions and avoid the finding of a just solution. Criminal system for profit, that's the problem.

    Sending criminals to fight wars seems like a proposition to perpetuate the unfairness and injustices throughout our world. Is that really fair?

  7. i find it interesing that anonymous doesn't want us military prisons housing us felons, but i suppose they're okay to house people from other countries just because we're suspicious of them and don't trust them.

    ed, i understand your logic and tend to favor your position. however, i don't think its that easy. i'm all for putting felons to work for their living while paying their sentence. maybe we should have them pick our fruits and vegetables and we can reroute the resources to our schools and communities locally!

  8. Wow! it sounds like a win-win proposition ...

    My fellow anonymous, we seem to agree on some basics and am sadden by you misreading my contention. Just like wars will one day become a far memory of a distant pass in our society and planet ... prisons too will no longer be needed. Imagine a future as such, after all every thing begins in our minds/thoughts. The Golden Rules cites "...that we should do to others what we want done onto us."

    "No one is born hating another because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. - Nelson Mandela"
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela"
    Just to remind us of someone, once a prisoner.

    Ed, keep up the good work. Your heart is beautiful.


  9. Put guns in the hands of fellons???? Are you nuts?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sofia Beas Send them to Iraq....if they make it back, they have paid their debt. If not...O'Well.
    This is from someone whose father was murdered. And, my taxes have been educating, feeding, and housing his murderer for over 25 years.

  12. Indira Manring says: Weed out the super bad ones(death penalty)
    Make the prisons self sustaining(farms, ranch) and cut out cable. There!
