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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Water Conservation - Yeah Right!

As a friend said, "Follow the Money" and you will understand why things don't change, because someone is lining their pockets with money, money, money...

I just read in the newspaper that certain cities in Southern California are starting to fine people for using or wasting to much water, they say that we are very short on our water tables and that we are in for a draught. Living next to the Pacific Ocean, that is hard to believe. Here is the solution, might not be sexy or exciting, but it is most definite a solution we can all live with forever.

Not only will this solution cost less for water in the long run, however, it will also create badly needed jobs in California and help our state's economy by a huge economical boost. How you might be asking? And I'm glad you did, because here it is...

What do Catalina Island and cruise ships have in common, besides being vacation spots? The both operate their own water systems through desalination plants. Yes, you heard right; systems that filter the salt from the water and converted to fresh water. Can you image building a couple of the plants in Southern California cities such as San Diego and Los Angeles? Not only would we be able to capitalize on abundant source of water, but we would be able to sell it to other states that need it as well. It's a win win solution.

Why has it not been done? My opinion is that there is to many corporations making a lot of money on scaring the citizens and threatening them of draught conditions so they can hike up the prices and delivery less. They would be working less and making more money with a resource that is in abundance and is our right to have.

It is the same concept as oil, dig it from earth and sell it to the masses. However, the only difference is that water is abundant and will continue to supply the earth forever or close to it.

Your thoughts are always on my mind...please share.


  1. hmmm, this sounds like something other nations are alreading doing, like Singapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia...... Who would have known?

  2. Follow the $$$.
    Do you realize that the profit margin for bottle water nowadays is incredibly large. One 20oz bottle turns out to be more expensive than the price per gallon of gasoline. Just do the math to verify. The absurd is that some brand name watter bottle companies use filtered tap water, sold as "highly purified".

    Ever since someone figures out ways to commercialize some that is abundantly and apparently an inherent right to all ... there is is: corporate control of abundant and cheap resource - for profit. In that category we may cite: foods, electricity, water, wind power, solar power, marijuana power, etc.
    I deduce that the so called water shortage is simply another artificially created crisis that has for aim the potentially enormous profit margin sought out by the stakeholders of this particular industry.
    Many years back I remember reading an article alerting the public for a new pattern been established: the "Fleecing of the consumer" by profit oriented interests. Well, here it is.

    Solution(s)? I don't have a specific one however, would suggest that whatever that ideal solution may be, it must be fundamentally based on the increased degree of consciousness and commitment to the betterment of everyone.

  3. so, what does it take? sounds like we've got a great business opportunity here. what's our plan? -yvette

  4. i have heard about this...thought they considered it too expensive, but i would love to learn otherwise!!
